Thursday, July 12, 2007

There's a New Sheriff in Town

Okay, so the blog is kicking off a little slower than we would have liked. And the reason can be found in this conversation:
Rivers: I should have realized that I study every night for this huge exam I have to take in November before I signed up for this gig.
me: Uh.... your test doesn't stop you from sending me 73 emails during the course of the day (good point by me).
Rivers: Yes, but that doesn't take any thought and I don't need to be creative or spell things correctly (touche. good point by Rivers. Tie game.)
me: Oh...okay (clearly, staggering). Hmmm...
(end of conversation)

So, what do I do in a crisis? I turn to the most creative guy I know not named Rivers. He has knowledge in the following categories: Sports (particularly college - I see him as the Lee Corso of The BBBQ), Food (knows all the good roast beef joints in New England), Music/Entertainment, and basically everything else. He is a former New England 300 meter hurdles champion. He is a former Run n Gun Silver Division MVP. He knows a lot about horse racing and knows a lot about shooting dice. I present to you, the third member of our team: Erik. Or he might go by another name. I'm not sure yet. First, I have to let him know that we need him to help us.

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